Sunday, January 24, 2010

RE: Tacoma vs. Los Angeles

So it rained here today. All day. In fact, it's still raining.
And I called my sister this morning.
"Hey Lauren"
--Hey Lindz, where are you?
"I'm at school. Is it raining today?"
--Today? No, it's Sunday

This is a stroke of genius on her part. It took me a second to realize why it shouldn't be raining on Sunday--It's SUNday. Duh. So once again, Lauren shocks and awes the world. Well, my world at least.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tacoma vs. Los Angeles

Let's talk about how Los Angeles is basically flooding and has had tornado (wtf?) warnings whilst Tacoma has had nearly tshirt weather and spouts of sunshine bursting through.  ANYWAYS: Go watch the movie "Away We Go." It's one of the more fantastic movies I've seen in recent years.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Lazy Day

Went to yoga this morning with my momma.  What a great way to start off the day... so fulfilling.  I started writing in a journal; it was my New Year's resolution--I'm doing well with it so far.  This break has been really nice actually, just relaxing, enjoying SUNSHINE (hear that, Tacoma? SUNshine, meaning WARMTH ^_- haha), and spending time with the parents and the besties.  Got sick, AGAIN, but I was able to watch and finish the first two seasons of Dexter... woot woot. =]

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Word of the day

Neglect: (n)
This is what I have done to this blog.
All apologies.
I started a journal... It was my New Year's Resolution... now I gotta keep up with it.
ALSO if you haven't seen it, please watch "When Harry Met Sally" because it is amazing...