Monday, March 28, 2011

Marchee Poo

March is going by SO FAST. It's a little ridiculous. But it's fine... =]
Racing season is here.
Things with the boyfriend are great.
School is going well.
I'm working hard and playing harder.

The end.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Sorry, blog. You know how I am about commitments… I… I can explain.
It’s just been a whirlwind since Christmas, I can’t even believe it’s almost February! So, a few updates: I’m still dating that boy–we survived being apart for winter break. It was nice not to have someone complimenting you and giving you hugs and kisses and snuggling with you every day. Okay, so I missed that part, but honestly, boys have cooties, we girls still need our breaks to regain our health =P
Apart from that, winter break was GREAT. We adopted a new puppy; her name is Roxy and she’s an angel.
Roxy the Innocent
Roxy the Innocent

Until you leave her alone. Then she’s a bulldozer. We need new plants in the backyard. Dad’s gonna build her a fenced in area for when we go to the store, or when she’s alone for a bit, just so she doesn’t destroy everything. Well, whatever’s left at least… Haha.
I got to do Spinning classes for my last two weeks I was home. Chloe came with me a few times and Dad came once… it was GREAT. I actually really loved it, and this summer I’m gonna join a gym that has spinning classes, so I’m pretty excited about that. I came back early to school to do some re-training stuff for RA stuff. So that went well. Then classes started: MWF 8am, 10 am, 1 pm, and 4 pm. So a few awkward gaps of time, but I get Tues and Thurs off, so that’s been helpful. They’ve turned into intense homework days, and it’s only the third week!!! Waaaah. Oh well. Haha. I’m taking a Science, Tech. and Society course, a class on rhetorical theory, a family communications class, and developmental psychology (prenatal to adolescent) and so far so good. I’m really enjoying them, and I’m staying up on my reading!
Speaking of homework–I’m neglecting a 5 page paper (with a speech component) and I still have another reading assignment… THE NIGHT IS YOUNG. And I’m on-call, which means, up til 12 at least, but 1 am is hopefully the bedtime.
OH. More about this after the show, probably, but I’m doing the opening scene of the Vagina Monologues on campus. Woohoo! It’s gonna be vag-tacular, so stay alert if you’re in the Tacoma area.
Anywho.. I’ll get back into the swing of keeping this baby updated. So, as they say in LA, hasta la bye bye.
RA girl-in-like

Into the New Year

2010. Wow. It’s been great–it really has.
Celebrated my New Year’s with Los Angeles.
Rowed my way to an NCAA National’s appearance.
Wrote my way to good grades.
Dawdled my days of summer away.
Drove my way to Oregon to see Uncle Tom, then to Washington to get to school.
Started my semester training to be an RA.
Made new friends.
Made time for a relationship with a very special guy.
Cleared clutter from my desk.
And then made it messy again.
It’s a normal year… but it has had amazing and unique parts to it.
Even just looking at Christmas this year, I could feel the difference.
Coming home this year was very different. Aggie didn’t greet me at the door. I didn’t feel the sense of urgency to see all of my friends every single day. And I had texted home and asked for a financial donation to my bank account instead of lots of little presents this year. We celebrated on the Eve because Mom and Dad worked Christmas Day, and Lauren doesn’t do anticipation; she barely made it through the 24th. She opened her presents (all in a row) and then left the room with one of them (a DC Comics “Year by Year” graphic compilation book) leaving the rest of them in a funky pile near the wrappings. Needless to say, that gift was a hit. The others have since received attention, but there was a clear favorite. My popcorn machine I bought her now has the Orville Redenbacher popping corn kernels ready to be popped thanks to a necessary trip to the store for “milk and popcorn, Binzit!” before Dad came home the other night. Milk for dad, popcorn for Lauren. You can’t say she’s entirely selfish… =]
Mom, Dad, and I sat on the couch that night watching “Playing for Change” (which you should all look into), and we were all almost in tears (I’ll save mentioning any specifics so that we can all walk away dignity intact). It was very moving and definitely a (crowd) favorite.
Kevin and Karina came over on Christmas night and we gave them their presents, and they gave us ours. I got Ugg boots.
All I have to say is.. well two things:
1) My brother is the best
2) I stuck my nose up at girls who folded their Ugg boots down so they have their fluff exposed… that is, until I had my own pair of which to fold down and expose the fluff… and I LOVE THEM. And I’m glad I live in a place where it’s actually chilly enough to casually wear them… none of this LA shorts and Ugg boots non-sense.
Anywho… I miss the boy.
This is the only thing that is missing from making this special time of year even more special. That’s a cool thing in its own way, though. It’s pretty perfect just being here with the family. They mention him enough for me to not make it even a few hours without him crossing my mind. *Barf* Sometimes we’re too cute for even ME to handle. (I sent him and his family a Christmas card, and I’m positive he wanted nothing more than to curl up in a ball and cry– but obviously, he would never admit to such a thing, and he’s not here for me to prove such an assumption, so I am left to my imagination…)
SO that’s that. I’m sure there’s a lot more to say: like how I had a Christmas party with my girls–a group of my college age friends and then a group of my wiser older friends (that my mom has introduced me to)– and it was AMAZING. I love being around strong, beautiful, positive women. Makes me get all giddy and happy inside.
Well, I hope everyone’s holiday season (and year) have been as eventful and rewarding as mine has.
Most sincerely,
Rejoicing Girl-in-Like

Tis the Season

Well, well, well… if it isn’t the Holiday season! Hello again, friends, family, Christmas trees, and Egg Nog Lattes. I’ve missed you all. set their screen so that it looks like snowflakes are falling on my laptop. It’s pretty cute.
Anywho– the boyfriend and I traded Christmas gifts last night. I didn’t want to scare him away, so I had a cute card with a hint of sentimentality but mostly full of puns. His card to me was the cutest EVER. I forgot that sometimes boyfriends remember that girlfriends like sweet nothings whispered in their ears… or written on cards.

and the inside
I got him a hand/mouth blown glass tea pot for brewing loose leaf tea =] (he’s been talking about getting one for months) and he got me a 10×10 sleek, black scrapbook, 3 border stamps, rock candy, and a collage-y black picture frame (with 12 spots for photos). I guess he wants me to remember him– well, don’t worry, mister, you’re a little too good to forget. *wink*
Enough of the gushy.
Lauren turns 29 today. WOW. Just wow. I set my alarm for 8 am so that I could call her and wish her a happy birthday. She’s going to Yankee Doodle’s to celebrate with her day program, and she’ll open presents from mom and dad later today. Apparently she woke up and almost forgot! I’m glad I called! =P
On another happy note, only one more final and a residence hall to close before I can come home! I’ll be back in LA before the stroke of midnight on Saturday. TOO EXCITED. My Statistics exam suddenly is just a speed bump in the way. I haven’t started on my studying for the day, yet, but I did do dishes, clean the sink, organize the kitchen cabinets, and even got an hour erg/core session in with Emily to kick start our days.
I finished a 10 page Spanish literature paper. It was my final required assignment for my Spanish Minor Degree. Woot woot! More than halfway through college, officially! Okay, well, assuming I pass this Stats exam… which I will…!
Well, I know a lot has happened this month, but I’m kind of on overload from Finals anxiety and stress… I’m sure I’ll have an update within the next two weeks. A few holiday parties, some fun baking, and some gift exchanging to be had.
p.s. Boy and Girl date night at the crew formal was SO much fun. He cleans up so nicely =]
Love to all,
Girl in Like con el fin del semestre (with the end of the semester)

November and the Leaves!

So, one of the things I love most about where I’ve chosen to go to school is the seasons. Real seasons. I never really grasped the concept of why “Autumn” was also called “Fall” until I came up here and the leaves actually “fall” off of the trees. But not before they turn beautiful shades of reds, browns, oranges, yellows, and create this amazing collage of everything that this in-between season embodies.
The jackets have come out of hiding, and the wool coats are abundant. Knit beanies and hand woven scarves, caps, and sweaters are all around. And I must be in denial again, for I keep making the mistake of seeing blue skies and thinking it means warmth. Nope. Blue skies are just the canvas behind the colors of fall and the blustery gusts of wind, and then finally, the gray comes and wipes away the blue. But it’s not gloomy. I actually love it. I get rather studious, and after the craziness of midterms (after which all I want to do is curl up in bed and wait until next semester) I need the extra boost of “Well I can’t go outside, because it’s cold, wet, and torrential, so I’ll just stay in and study.” The fact that there is a boy with whom I can cuddle after (and only after) we finish our homework for the day is another motivator to get my work done.
Well, not much has happened lately; not unless you count surviving midterm season, solidifying my Thanksgiving plans for Oregon with the boy and the fam… which are both awesome things. I guess the other things would be succumbing to the daunting task of making something FBO (or FaceBook Official for those of us with lives), signing up for my Junior year spring semester classes (Rhetorical Theory, Family Communication, Developmental Psychology: prenatal to childhood, and a Science, Technology, and Society class), and calling home every day to gush about how great things are this year.
I feel like the only times I ever update my blog are when I’m supposed to be doing homework… well off I go… decoding the mysteries of Spanish poetry.
Fall-Girl in Like

Fall-Break to-do List

#1, check. Good thing I've got 2 more days...

October is Confusing...

This is true for many reasons:
1) October means 8th month. And here we are in month 10.
2) Tacoma hit 40° F and LA hit 113° F… What?
3) It’s not midterms week for me, but instead, what I like to call “Midterm Season.”
4) It’s just that point in the semester when math concepts and communication theories start to make your brain whirl. In the best way… but in an inconvenient way.
5) Crew is… and I have to steal this from Gaelyn and Alyssa… ExCREWciating. Also in the best way possible. Think “hurt so good” and “ice baths are your friend” and you’ve got the general feeling.
So, I don’t know why this all has to happen at once… But it does.
And I’m gonna tackle it… one paper… one dead brain cell… one Power Bar at a time.
So just when I start to get sufficient amounts of sleep and stay ahead on my school work, midterms come and knock down my base as if it were a pawn. Well, you know what, Junior Year stress? CHECK MATE; I’m makin’ a move and I’m gonna get ya. Well at least I’ll be aiming to regain my sleep schedule (looks like bedtime at 8 pm and wake up at 4:15 AM generally) and my social life (or the remnants of it at least… haha).
But don’t get me wrong. I’m in such a good place. I love my classes (even my Spanish class, which forces me to look up every other word in a poem using an online dictionary), I still manage to make time for my friends (even if it does mean we’re studying together instead of relaxing and hanging out together), and I get to see my parents in about 48 hours! WOOT WOOT. <— sense my excitement? Eh? Eh? =D
I'm thinking… Seattle excursion (donut shop! and frozen custard! and Troll under the bridge!) and then if they're around long enough on Sunday, Blueberry picking! woooot!)
Alright. Enough procrastinating… I have a class in 8 minutes… Am I going to it? I don't think so, but at least I'm being productive…………… right? ^_-
Peace, Love, and Cocoa Puffs <– which are not a good pre-speed-hike meal, in case you're wondering. =D
Stress-Ball-of-Excitement-Girl in Like

Placebo Week

So, as I enter into this next week (only significant for two things: 1) Placebo pill week and 2) it’s the second week of classes) I’ve got a lot on my mind. But in a great way.

First week of classes was great! Monday is going to be my demise for a few reasons.
a) When crew starts, my day will start at 4:30 am and end at about 9:30 pm.
b) I have ALL my classes on Mondays– but the profs are all amazing, so it should be fine.
c) I won’t have (much) time to do hw for Tuesdays on Mon’s so I’ll have to plan ahead (here’s to slaughtering procrastination part I!)
d) They are Mondays– they’re ALREADY EVIL.
BUT on a brighter note,
There is a boy on Girl in Like’s radar.
And apparently this radar signal is mutual.
I think I earned like 20 nerd points for that analogy.
Or a level up.
(Make that TWO with that reference!)
Nerdy-Girl in Like

August Rush(ed)

So August is almost at a close and it came in a rush.

Just like the title of this post implies.
So, I will try to be short and sweet.
Okay scratch that; just sweet.
I haven’t written anything since the end of July for a number of reasons.
1) I had to pack for my Junior year of college.
2) I had to squeeze in all the “hang out with the folks” time that I could.
3) I roadtripped up to school with my best friend and his girlfriend (stopping at Uncle Tom’s on the way).
4) ResLife (Residence Life), or my group/community of other RAs and RCCs has officially taken over.
So let’s begin: I’m a Junior in college. It’s my third year. And what have I figured out? That I love the classes at this university. Again, I find myself SO overwhelmed, excited, and enamored to be back on campus and almost starting classes. Being here early for ResLife training (more about that in a bit) has been amazing. It’s surreal to do all the behind the scenes work, then check all the freshmen in, and all the while my fellow returning students are trickling in all around me into their respective on/off campus residences for the year.
That’s sort of a jump ahead. So I’ll recount a bit of the beginning of August: I spent my last night in town with the best group of people ever. Gavin, Mooney, Cailynn and I went to Abbott Kinney on that Friday night (Aug 6th) because apparently LA has been satiating a food-truck fetish since I’ve been at school. We heard there would be a bajillion and one trucks there that night, so naturally we had to go; we’re alllll about good eats.
I had: 2 carne asada tacos con guacamole, pico de gallo, y cebollas (onions), half a serving (and it was huge) of fries with steak, green onions, cheese, and a bunch of other way delicious things, 1 cupcake (that I ate later) that was a Peanut Butter and Banana cupcake (banana bread with PB frosting *drool*) and then to top off the night, part of a chocolate chip cookie with blueberry cobbler ice cream sandwich. IT WAS EXTRAORDINARY. There were real bits of cobbler and blueberries! So delicious (and well worth the 45 minute, or longer?, wait).
Gavin and I left the next morning, bright and early, to head to Manteca, where his grandparents live. We had sushi for lunch (and guess what! I ENJOYED IT. I’m definitely a new fan) then had Italian for dinner, and spent an hour or two digesting in the jacuzzi. We picked up Emily in SanFran, saw our friend Daniel for lunch and a walk (best sandwich ever: mozzarella and turkey pesto panini on sourdough) with Gavin’s dog Joe Cool (a very well behaved mutt).
Anyways, we took the coast (101 and the 1) to Uncle Tom’s. Let’s just say that I won’t be taking that drive again for a long time (hopefully), but nevertheless I’m SO glad we did it. It was beautiful and amazing and well worth the extra hours it tacked on, but very windy and very slow. I got to take the midnight to 4 am shift through the redwoods. I’d like to see them in the day time, but the truck headlights lit up the trunks of the trees and I could feel their enormity and their presence. It was truly humbling. Such a beautiful sight.
We made it to Uncle Tom’s, slept the night, and when I woke up to use the bathroom in the morning at around 06:30 he asked what time we got in, and when I told him 4:15, he said “I’m surprised you’re not still knocked out. Well when he left for golf, I hit the sack again.
He left a note on the counter with cereals and bread and jam out for us saying “it was lovely to see you. Have a good rest of the year. -Uncle Tom” and to that note I said, well I’m not ready to only have 2 minutes with him, so we waited on his porch til he came back from golf. =]
Actually, we went to Applegate Lake (BEAUTIFUL!) for the afternoon and when we got back, the Oregon family had planned a dinner for us all at Uncle Tom’s. He was glad to have us be staying longer (even though he totally tried to get rid of us with that note!) =D
We stayed up til 10 or so talking, laughing, and having a good time. We were told to come back soon (which I think will be Thanksgiving!) and then we all retired for the night.
We arrived in Tacoma the next day in the evening after 8 hours of driving and a few road-trippy meals (artery clogging for sure) and helped move Gavin’s stuff into his room. I crashed on his couch for the night and then the next day moved into my room in Trimble! (the upperclassmen suite-style residence hall on campus) in which I am one of 6 Residential Community Coordinators! (Basically the same as an RA, but we have a slightly less traditional style, so we have different expectations and ways of doing things.
Welcome to Junior year, is all I can say. It’s gonna be a whirlwind, and I think I’m ready.


“ResLife, full of strife, but it’s the life for me;
Writing up students for smoking and boozing, but it’s the life for me.”
This was a rap crafted by my staff team made up of Trimble/Todd Phibbs RAs and RCCs. To put it bluntly, and people have heard me say this about a few things ResLife already: I’m mildly obsessed with them.
We’ve got the TP components:
Savannah, a returning RA who is a great role model and great person to talk to.
Chris D, who’s a self proclaimed ex-bro with a sarcastic and witty sense of humor to put you in good spirits.
Katie P, a lacrosse player with a kick-ass attitude and such a great personality.
Lucy, a vibrant addition to the TTP team (who has a career in rapping, haha, or not!)
Katie M, aka K-Mo, who’s got the sweetest personality, but knows how to crack the whip!
Nick, a returner who knows the ropes and means business, all the while being such a goofy kid.
and Maddie, the sweetest person who’s gonna have her residents wrapped around her fingers. =]
And the Trimble Staff:
Myself, an awesome Junior, first-timer, but ready for anything Crew Girl!
Garner, a witty HS debater with a flair for v-necks and b-ball shorts.
Anna, a returner with eyes that light up the world and an awesome and open heart.
Janessa, a bubbly sophomore who’s gonna be ready for anything with her laughter and commanding attitude.
Chris M., a laid back Junior from Hawaii with an island attitude that brings ease to your worries.
and Vienna, a super amazing sophomore with a sense of team and family that has already started bringing us together.
We’ve gone bowling in wacky bright 80s colors and afro wigs, gone for Pho (Vietnamese noodle-soups), sat out under the full moon looking out at the Sound with cheese, grapes, chocolates, and desserts, and this is just the beginning.
We’ve had training almost everyday from 8 or 9 am til 5 at the earliest, but more often than not, stuff that goes until 8 or 9. From staff meetings to role playing, from food meet-and-greets to Jeopardy quizzing, we’ve done it all and we’re prepared for anything.
I’m looking forward to the leadership role and the responsibility that I’ve signed up for. I feel ready to rock this year and this job and also ready to do well in the classroom, out on the water, and with whatever else I sign myself up for.
I’m missing my family back home, but I’ve been calling when I get the chance.
Chloe is doing well, currently doing pre-season training for cross-country, and Cailynn and I have a skype date sometime soon, but she’s settled in and working with the football team (for athletic training stuff, I believe). Leah took a family RV trip to Oregon and Seattle (and didn’t stop to see me! haha) and seems to have had an amazing time, but I know her, and I know she’ll be glad to be back in the City of Angles and within the next month starting her sophomore year at UCLA.
I love my life right now.
I don’t think that’s strange.
But I feel the best I’ve felt in a long time.
It’s a weird sense of calm I’ve never felt before, but I’m fully embracing it. It’s weird to go from an overactively involved High Schooler to a responsibly active Junior in college with my whole life starting to unfold beautifully before my eyes. But I LOVE IT.
With a smile on my face,

Times are a-changing

As I finish off what could be one of my last full summers at home, I notice a few things have changed. I don’t clamor to see all my “friends” that are in town. There are a few faces that have earned their places and I make an effort to see them. And there are a hundred more that I know I would LOVE to see, but it’s a two-way street. Another thing is the lack of interest I have in boys this summer. Usually I jump at the idea that a guy might be interested, and I pursue, or let myself be pursued. Not that it happens a lot, but there is usually one once in a while. This summer I have out right said “no thanks” once, put my foot down twice, crushed on three guys, and really cared about none.
I turned 20. My hormones should be RAAAAGING.
But I think I’ve realized that there is so much more out there than flings and crushes.
I have dubbed this summer “My edible summer” because it has been filled with great food. I roadtripped to Oregon with my mom, played softball, hiked, and went on runs with my dad. Went to comic stores and cupcake boutiques with Lauren. Had movie nights with my Kevin and Karina. Discovered new music at the Culver City free concerts on Thursday nights. Discovered that LA had a foodtruck craze. Almost completed a to-do list that included 10 food spots, 2 amusement parks, and visiting San Diego, Berkeley, and Medford.
How or when would I have time to notice a guy worth my time? It always sounds snobby to me when I say things like “he’s not worth my time,” but unlike being picky about a food (like Tomatoes, bleh) being picky when it comes to a guy is something I think all women are allowed. My disinterest in romance manifested itself in a workout schedule to rival Kobe Bryant’s (okay, maybe not), and a summer menu that encapsulated smoothies, fruit cobblers, s’mores, pasta dishes, steaks, burgers, spicy hot dogs, bacon/avocado sandwiches, gourmet breakfasts and dinners, and homemade cheesey omelets with peppers and onions.
It has been a rockin’ summer.
And there are still about two weeks left.
Bring on the finale.

Welcome to your 20s!

I have failed, per usual, with regards to updating you, who ever you are, about the charades and shenanigans in my life. It is now SUMMER– YAY!

What have I been doing? Let’s see… Upon my first morning back, I went on a hike with my dad to celebrate the sun in all it’s California splendor.
Me and Dad in Temescal Canyon!
Then I headed to Palm Springs with Mom, Sarah-Jane, and Auntie Eileen for some much needed pool and relaxation time…
June was half way through, which, every year, means one thing: CAILYNN’S BIRTHDAY. My dad and I took her on a birthday hike. Probably not the ideal gift, but hey, who wouldn’t wanna spend sweaty time with the two Hammond Athletes on top of a huge rock?!
What naturally follows Cailynn’s birthday (despite June Gloom) is, well, MY BIRTHDAY. Woot woot. I had part one with Cailynn and my folks, going to breakfast at Uncle Joe’s Pancake House in Manhattan Beach, and then part two with my girlies–and Ron– at Ketchup. BUT no bday dinner would be complete without a little slapstick comedy, during which Whitney, Briana, and I posed near the bench, then on the bench for a picture… at which point the old rickety bench broke as soon as I put myself onto it. Quite hilarious if I do say so myself =]
Anywho, my birthday was great, and as my friends put it: Welcome to your 20s.
20 is almost 25, which is almost 30.
20 year-old Girl in Like

May? Summer VACAY?

ell, here we are, or, here I am: sitting in a temporary on-campus establishment with 4 other post-season, NCAA Championships bound rowers. We are training after school has gotten out (yes, I survived Sophomore year!) in order to do the best we can at this amazing point in our rowing season. We will battle it out with 8 other teams in Division III and see who comes out on top. Varsity has been really great; the girls are amazing and accepting and wonderful (and super funny and into Youtube videos, more about that late). They have been really helpful in the transitional period between Novice and Varsity.
I think just about every time I’m with any of these girls, a Youtube video is quoted or alluded to. The best one is of a black woman driving in Los Angeles (by the looks of it) who yells (while filming herself) “STAY ON YO SIDE” to a driver who cuts her off. SOOO funny. (You can watch here). She’s “dramatic, but less ghetto.” hahaha.
Anywayssss. Kevin and Karina got to come up and enjoy beautiful AND SUNNY! Tacoma! We went to Point Defiance, did the 5 mile drive, went to all the good food places, drove into Seattle, went to Pike Place Public Market, and visited the first Starbucks! =]
Kevin and Karina at Point D

It was a really wonderful time, complete with an end of day heart-to-heart. They are really amazing and are doing really well together and staying happy (especially with their new puppy!) I miss them already, but I’ll be headed home in just under 2 weeks!
Moving out is always this surreal experience: literally, one door closes and another opens. I boxed and stored all my stuff that I “won’t need in Los Angeles”… but all that really means is that I boxed up stuff I HOPE I won’t need in LA. haha. Lauren called me the other day (she’s getting so mature on the phone, it’s amazing) and she left me a voicemail that said “It’s your sister Lauren. I just calc-ka-lated how long you’re coming, 17 days. I love you, bye.”
She is so incredible. Being away from her for large chunks at a time makes her progress seem so intensified and huge. I always used to say watching her grow up and mature was like watching your toddler make their big first everythings; now it’s like watching your pre-teen mature into an adult at hyper speed. Obviously I will do all I can to make sure she is still my baby sister! Haha. What would I (or we) do without that inner child of hers? We’d all go crazy. But you all know what I mean: she’s growing up so much right now and it’s beautiful. Such an experience. I’m proud of her everyday. She came up with my dad to the Rowing Championships in Sacramento, CA last week and she didn’t have a single meltdown or anxiety issue. It was so impressive and I was so proud of her. She shook hands with people, introduced my dad to them, sat quietly (and loudly) with people. She did well under circumstances that just 2 years ago would have made her freaaaaaaaak out. It’s so exciting to see her accomplishments.
So last night I went to a graduation party for a few friends of mine (who I will thoroughly miss seeing the faces of on campus next year!) and I met a graduate named Jason Lee. His younger brother (who’s my age) has Autism. Leland is incredible! He paints, plays guitar, and sings! I talked to Jason for 20 minutes about those major steps when they finally hug you or hold your hand. I will always remember Lauren’s first REAL moment of reaching out: When grandpa Bud passed away, we were all clearly and visibly sad and Lauren came and sat down on the couch (she was tear-free and anxiety free at this point) and just sat down with me and held me and told me to “lay your head on me” and she just let me cry on her. My mom and I were speechless and cried even hard; but those were tears of joy and pride. She was tapping into emotions of others in a way she had never done before. Almost 4 years later, this is still an incredible memory, one I won’t ever forget. I talked with Jason’s parents about Leland and Lauren (they know about HELP Group in SM!) and to Jason some more and we all agreed that it’s amazing to watch two people talking about someone they truly admire and look up to; in our cases, it’s our siblings. I have never felt so connected to someone I didn’t know before. He told me to contact him if I want to get involved with helping those with Autism in the Tacoma area. And I definitely will. =]
The past few months since I last wrote have gone by so quickly, but they’ve been great. I can hear my belly growling, so I’m going to go pile some food into it.
Girl in Like of New Friendships